हमारी भारतीय संस्कृतिमें गुरु-शिष्य परंपरा हमारे सांसारिक जीवनमें अन्तर्भूत थी | प्रथम पुत्रके लिए पिता, अनुजके लिए अग्रज बंधु, पत्नीके लिए पति, यह गुरु समान होते थे | और कर्मनिष्ट त्याग-पारायण ब्राह्मण सम्पूर्ण समाजका गुरु होता था | कालांतरमें धर्मका ह्रास हुए और संबंधोंसे यह आध्यात्मिक आधारका ह्रास होने लगा और अब वह लगभग समाप्तसा हो गया है | जबतक गुरुमें तप, त्याग, प्रेम और धर्मका प्रतिबिंब दिखाई नहीं देता शिष्य उनके प्रति शरणागत नहीं हो पाता |
• Guru-Shishya Parampara (Master-disciple tradition) was inherent in the worldly way of life of our Bharatiya culture. For the eldest son, the father, for the younger brother, the elder brother and for the wife, the husband, were akin to a Guru; and a Karmanishtha (abding the action as per Dharma) Brahmins, with an inclination to sacrifice, were Gurus for the entire society. With the passage of time, the spiritual basis for such relationships too started getting eroded and now has nearly come to an end. Till the time a reflection of Tapa (penance), sacrifice, affection and Dharma are reflected in the Guru, the disciple is not able to surrender unto His feet.
courtesy : www.hindujagruti.org
• Guru-Shishya Parampara (Master-disciple tradition) was inherent in the worldly way of life of our Bharatiya culture. For the eldest son, the father, for the younger brother, the elder brother and for the wife, the husband, were akin to a Guru; and a Karmanishtha (abding the action as per Dharma) Brahmins, with an inclination to sacrifice, were Gurus for the entire society. With the passage of time, the spiritual basis for such relationships too started getting eroded and now has nearly come to an end. Till the time a reflection of Tapa (penance), sacrifice, affection and Dharma are reflected in the Guru, the disciple is not able to surrender unto His feet.
courtesy : www.hindujagruti.org
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